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Home Economics - Save money


Domestic Economy

1. Set a budget (with a target to reach):
 It is important that you consider your fixed monthly expenses to calculate a savings goal.If you can not give very good numbers, get yourself a spreadsheet to keep accounts up to date. You'll be able to control the (higher or lower) amounts you can save. Do not forget to include a percentage for variable expenses! Thus, if you "spare" for a night out to dinner, you will feel to.

2. Compare prices and looking for deals: 

Don't need to go to a supermarket to another looking prices (although never a bad idea). You can ask your family, friends and co-workers where they shop and compare the value of the products. Probably when you know what else they save, you begin to be more interested in what you spend each month.

3. Avoid impulse purchases (almost never need it ): 
Often we buy things we treat ourselves under the slogan "I'm working for something." Impulsive consumerism is the worst enemy of savings and can alter your budget without you noticing. If you do not need immediately, expected later this month and invest part of your savings. Tip: leave credit card safe. It's for what it is

4. Online shopping (of things you need):

Almost hand in hand with the previous point. It is true that internet can find outrageously good deals up to 75% or, why not, 90% in products of all kinds.However, before clicking measureless, ask yourself if you really need: incidentals not reflected in your monthly budget will directly affect your ability to save.

5. Reduce expenses at home: 

You can save water and energy having efficient and environmentally friendly appliances. You'll notice on your bill balance. To keep the house at a suitable temperature reducing consumption in heating or air conditioning, remember not to let the heat in summer and cold in winter with good

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