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The Cure -  Strange Songs

The Cure - Strange Songs

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Strange Songs

Where did this song come from?

There are a lot of demos that The Cure recorded but never released, as well as songs that were recorded but never put on a proper studio album and song that have only been played live. A lot of these songs are available on a number of bootlegs. 
Here I will explain what each of these songs are;  

All I Have To Do Is Kill Her
:: an alternate version of 'All Mine' that has been played live 

Another Girl, Another Planet :: an Only Ones cover performed as a soundcheck 

Ariel :: a track recorded by Robert Smith for the Kid Jensen Radio Show in 1982 

Away :: an early live version of 'Cut' performed live and featured on the Play Out video 

Carnage Visors :: a 27 minute long instrumental that was played as a soundtrack to the film of the same name that was played during the Faith tour in place of a supporting act. This track is available only on bootlegs and the b-side to the Faith cassette

Cats Like Cheese :: an early demo version of 'Give Me It'

Cold Colours :: an early demo of 'Primary' featuring totally different lyrics 

Cure83 :: an early instumental version of 'The Snakepit'

Desperate Journalist :: a later version of 'Grinding Halt' with completely different lyrics based on a negative review that Paul Morley of NME had given to the Three Imaginary Boys record. This song recorded for the John Peel Show

Do You Wanna Touch Me? :: a Gary Glitter cover performed live during the Head tour in 1985

Eyemou :: an instrumental intro played live during the Kissing Tour 

English Rose :: a Jam cover performed as a soundcheck 

Faded Smiles :: an early demo from the time of Seventeen Seconds 

Happy Birthday Simon :: a depressing birthday song played live to the tune of 'M' for Simon's 20th birthday 

Heart Attack :: an unreleased instrumental demo from the Wish sessions

I Hate Rock 'n' Roll :: a 1 minute long instrumental recorded as a soundcheck at a Cure show

I Just Need Myself :: a demo recorded by Easy Cure but never released on any album 

Into The Trees :: an early demo recording of 'A Forest' 

I Want To Be Old :: a demo recorded by Easy Cure but never released on any album 

The Last Thing You Should Do :: a duet that Robert Smith did with David Bowie 

Listen :: a demo recorded by Easy Cure and was later released as 'Pillbox Tales' 

Mission Impossible :: a cover of the movie theme played as a soundcheck 

Old England :: an unreleased instrumental demo from the Wish sessions 

Perish :: I don't know where this track came from, and have only heard one recording of it, which was only a 30-second clip

Quicksand :: a duet Robert Smith did with David Bowie 

See The Children :: a demo recorded by Easy Cure but never released on any album 

Slury (Slvvy) :: an unreleased instrumental demo recorded during the Wish sessions 

Two Chord Cool :: an early demo version of 'The 13th' 

Weedy Burton :: the unlisted instrumental at the end of Three Imaginary Boys 

Wild Thing :: a Troggs cover performed live

You Really Got Me :: a Kinks cover performed live

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